
Here at Santa Maria Vineyard, we are committed to passion for Jesus and compassion for people.

Three Core Themes

We are building out three core themes as a culture here at the Santa Maria Vineyard:

  • Intimacy = we want to know and love God wholeheartedly

  • Authenticity = we want to be authentic with each other in community

  • Expectancy = we want to believe for what God has provided and promised us through Jesus

We are committed to prayer to deepen our intimacy with God and for the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s power and purposes for our city and beyond. 

We are deeply committed to the truth of the bible, sharing the good news of Jesus, making disciples, healing the sick, and bringing deliverance to those who are in bondage to darkness.

Brief History of the Vineyard

In 1982 under the leadership of John Wimber, the Vineyard movement was used by God to impact the lives of thousands across the globe. This movement came to be known as the “Third Wave” of the Holy Spirit and brought spiritual renewal to many denominations and movements. John taught on and demonstrated that signs and wonders were for today, and that God wanted to bring healing and expressions of His love and power through the Church.  The Vineyard movement has grown to a global family of over 2400 churches in over 90 countries. For more information about the Vineyard movement click here

Our story

The Santa Maria Christian Fellowship initially started out in 1984 as a small group of people gathering in the living room of a home worshipping God and desiring to see more of God’s love and presence in their lives. This small group of people led by Pastor Carl Tuttle soon outgrew the living room and eventually began Sunday services in 1985 in the gymnasium of El Camino Jr. High School. 

From 1985 to 1990 at El Camino Junior High the church continued to grow. In 1989 God began to speak to the church in a significant way. Many nationally recognized prophetic ministers came through the church within the course of a year and began to communicate God’s heart for the Santa Maria Vineyard, the City of Santa Maria, and the larger Central Coast area. God’s invitations and promises for this church overwhelmed us in a wonderful way. We’ve never been the same since!

In 1990 Carl Tuttle left the church for a different position and Ralph Kucera became the senior pastor of the church from 1990 to 1998. Also, in 1990 the church purchased the old First Christian Church facility, gave the facility a major “face-lift” and moved from El Camino Junior High to our present facility located at 200 S. East Avenue in Santa Maria. In 1994 the church enjoyed times of Holy Spirit renewal that refreshed and deeply impacted the church.

In 1998 Steve and Hoen Dastic became the senior pastors. During this time the church has begun to see many of the long-standing prophetic promises begin to be fulfilled. During this time we had the privilege of training, developing and taking teams of young people to developing countries to help serve and bless the people of these nations and share the love of Jesus with them. 

In 2016 Ed Boasso became the new senior pastor of the Santa Maria Vineyard. He served at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOP-KC) for 12 years, as a senior leader there. He taught extensively at the International House of Prayer University (IHOPU) as well as conferences, internships, and traveled both nationally and international. He has a deep passion for God, a lifestyle devoted to prayer, and to teach, inspire, and equip believers to grow in wholehearted-love for God and to walk in the fullness of God's purposes.

Vineyard Core Values and Beliefs

To find out more about the core values and beliefs of the Vineyard, please click on the image.